Delimiter Fields You must indicate which character strings are used as the ‘End of Label’ and ‘End of Topic’ delimiters in your text file - enter the strings for these in the two delimiter fields (as illustrated below). Note: When you are deciding on which strings or characters to use as the delimiters, you must make sure that these characters or strings do NOT appear within either the topic label string, or the topic text. For example, if you use the string ‘Hullo’ as the End of Topic delimiter, the Notebook text file must not contain any embedded occurences of that string ‘Hullo’ which are not specifically End of Topic delimiters. It is recommended that you use the Notebook Maker default delimiters wherever possible—that is ‘’ and ‘’ (without the quote marks). These have been chossen as th edefault values as it is highly unlikely that you will have a text file with any occurrences of these two strings in it already.